Schueler Consulting
EO analysis, conceptual design, and testing.
Schueler Consulting supports active (e.g., Lidar) & passive (e.g., imaging) electro-optical system requirements flowdown to hardware specifications and conceptual design, leading proposals, studies and hardware development and testing. Schueler provides training, based on 15 years teaching at Santa Barbara City College (#1 Community College in the nation) and the University of California Santa Barbara.
Schueler Consulting led Orbital Sciences' technical proposal for the Commercially Hosted Infrared Payload (CHIRP), launched to geostationary orbit and operated two years beyond plan. CHIRP was the largest unsolicited award in Air Force history, yet saved $500M with commercial hosting conceived by Schueler.
CHIRP led to creation of the Air Force Hosted Payload Program office at Los Angeles Air Force Base and the Hosted Payload Solutions (HoPS) program in 2014. Schueler supported MEI Technologies ( successful 2014 HoPS proposal.
2016-2017 Schueler supported Hera Systems novel optical design for their earth-observation CubeSat constellation and designed test equipment for Cloudland Instruments' HawkEye Ocean color CubeSat launched Fall 2018. Since 2016 Schueler led automotive far Infrared imaging analysis and testing.
1979: Hughes Aircraft Company. Developed image-based computer simulation of M1-Abrams Tank Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) fire-control system. Used to specify hardware design parameters based on operator evaluation of simulation. Hughes reported "accurate, saving time and money."
1980-1991: University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) - Electrical & Computer Engineering Adjunct Professor, developed graduate EO/IR program. Trained IR industry leaders, e.g., at Lockheed & Raytheon.
1983: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration - Developed internationally lauded course on Landsat design and applications.
1983-1985: Science Applications International Corporation (now Leidos, Inc.) - EO/IR conceptual design analysis.
1988 - Geostar Corporation (became Sirius XM Radio) - Market and requirements analysis.
1998 - Environmental Research Institute of Michigan - Developed and led EO workshop for Ocean color researchers.
2007-2012: Orbital Sciences Corporation - Commercially Hosted Infrared Payload (CHIRP) technical proposal. CHIRP Chief Scientist - Sensor design, calibration, test & data processing technical lead.
2012-2013: Cornell Technical Services - NASA proposal reviewer. MEI Technologies - Successful Hosted Payload Solutions (HoPS) proposal.
1982-2017: EO/IR training (UC Santa Barbara, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Hughes Aircraft Company, University of Michigan, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin)
2015-2018: HawkEye CubeSat sensor calibration & test equipment specification.
2016-2017: Hera Systems ( optical performance evaluation. Led Veoneer thermal infrared automotive exterior marking light study.
2021: MEI Technologies Low Earth Orbit Debris Detection design.
2016-2024: Magna Electronics thermal imaging analysis.
2018-2020: Veoneer Lidar Testing Research & Development leading to numerous novel methods to dramatically improve manufacturing efficiency.

Chief Scientist Carl Schueler inspects CHIRP before launch.